Well, wow! With a chapter like this, how can you deny us a Close Encounter of Comparative Anatomy of the Third Kind? (Where the actual, hands-on comparing takes place between chapters, of course?)

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The physical attraction between Lois and Kal is as overwhelming as it is sweet. I loved how you made sweetness a minor theme of this part, with Kal treating Lois to sweet oatmeal (shaped as an edible spoon, too, or did I just imagine that?) and Lois telling Kal in return that he is sweet.

Otherwise, this chapter centerad around children and procreation. Lois gave Tek her book for him to read to his children, and in return Tek gave Kal some cologne - to help him procreate, I wonder? But with whom? Surely Tek wasn't thinking of Za? (Or was he?)

(By the way, Za and La. Za of the house of Ra, and La of the house of Ra. I love it.)

Anyway, Kal is childless, and Lois has figured out why - it's because he has never done that. Well, hmmm. Some things don't necessarily have to be taught, I think. Kal has apparently never met a woman who has tempted him to explore her anatomy and compare it with his own. (But now, of course, he has indeed met that woman.) clap sloppy

But the long and short of it is that Kal is a virgin. And he is childless. (Why am I not surprised at the childlessness part of it, given the virginity aspect of it?) And Kal has announced to his people every month for the last ten years the fact that his wife is not pregnant? Okay, one mystery is solved at least. Kal is not supposed to be a virgin and he is not supposed to be childless. He is supposed to make love to his wife and make her pregnant. But then, why hasn't he, ever, as Lois thinks to herself?

Another theme of this fic is, I think, the giving of life. Lois has been given that mission, the mission of bringing life to New Krypton. If she can help the NKers find water on New Krypton, she will have done a lot to help them survive. But Lois's mission is more than that, and it definitely has to do with children. By giving the NK children nice books to read, and by telling them how to play hopskotch, Lois is, literally, giving the NK children more of a life. But I'm beginning to suspect that Lois's most important mission is to have a child of her own on this bleak world. And that child is going to be Kal's. (We hope!!!!! Keep Lord Nor away from her!!!!)

Hmmm. Lord Nor. And the man - Nor's servant? - who left Ard's quarters. Ard, Kal's concubine number one. Okay, Corinna, you can just as well tell us straight away that Ard is pregnant. Something tells me that it is going to be a huge scandal if Ard is pregnant while Za is not. Kal is going to be accused of wasting his seed on his concubines instead of making his wife pregnant, right?

Eagerly looking forward to the next chapter!
