OK, I admit it. I am officially addicted to this story.

I don't usually enjoy stories about New Krypton. Tank, if I recall, has mentioned he hates stories where Lois and Clark have children. Well, I hate stories that deal with New Krypton. Until this story, I would have said I only read stories about Clark or Superman - never about Kal El. And, to be absolutely honest, when you first posted chapter 1, I opened it, realized it was set on New Krypton, and promptly closed it again.

But I couldn't help but notice all the feedback your story was generating, so I finally decided to give it another try. OMG! This story is AMAZING! Lois's first conversation with Kal, her refusal to believe she was on another planet, Kal thinking her planet was the Daily Planet - it had me in stitches! As the story unfolds, I am just caught up in it to an extent I cannot believe. Their first kiss. First hug. Kal's first smile. His first joke. His reaction to Lois's story. His reason for taking concubines. I am hooked.

The bad part is I just read all 10 chapters in one fell swoop, and now I'm going crazy waiting for chapter 11.

What a lovely story you are writing here. Thank you so much.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster