Firstly, a general comment. My 19yo son happened to glance over my shoulder when I was reading the FDK. He saw:-

I promise not to bite you.

I'd even share my worms on a plate with you.

He really needs to look up the words 'concubine' and 'leash'

Tan koo.

Suffice to say my son now has more than a few questions regarding these strange people called FoLCS!!
smile1 re your comment on pacing. I find pacing to be the toughest part of writing a budding relationship ... too quick and it seems improbable (and you miss opportunities for little moments along the way), too slow and everyone loses interest.

I really appreciate that you think it is moving along well.


Lois must be gaining a new apprecaition for life on earth too. Surely if she were to go back she would treasure what they have there so much more. Not possession-wise, but in terms of attitudes and behaviour - and hope!
You know, I hadn't actually thought about this, but you make a great point.

I'm glad you've got Kal out of that black suit eek and into something more modest!

Thanks for all your lovely FDK, Emma.


That's the idea

A little research for Kal ... uhmm. wink

Thanks for all the amazing FDK, Michael.

Artemis More coming as soon as I can get Part 15 to Iolanthe.

Thanks for your FDK.

Thanks everyone,
