That part made my day too smile1 I was hoping I would come home from work to find a new part to read and yes it was the best yet! It was great that they were together for all of it, though I do understand that they can't always be. It was a real treat.

I love how everything Lois has to say fascinates Kal and how he understands what his planet is lacking compared to earth without Lois spelling it out. He definitely thinks a world where people are like Lois and hug and kiss on a regular basis is a pretty wonderful place, but it isn't just that, he's starting to understand it may be possible, even on such a troubled planet, to sometimes forget the difficulties - to smile and laugh. Just them working on the children's story together was such a symbol of hope. If they can start with the children they can build the future from there. Again, you described so well Lois explaining something so basic on earth as a story to Kal.

Lois must be gaining a new apprecaition for life on earth too. Surely if she were to go back she would treasure what they have there so much more. Not possession-wise, but in terms of attitudes and behaviour - and hope!

Yes it will be interesting when Kal smiles in front of the Kryptonians. He couldn't stop after the hug. They clearly won't understand and will probably disapprove or be wary of the influence Lois seems to be having on their ruler, even if she does have the answer to their water problems.

The hugs were lovely, it is exactly what he has needed since this story began, and long before. No-one has ever touched him before - poor Kal. The way he is so affected by any loss of life on his planet is so Clark/Superman and hopefully Lois will be able to help him find ways to prevent it. She will help shape him just as she helped shape Superman in the show.

His attempt at a joke was adorable and showed such understanding. Lois must feel so pleased at the success of her teaching and explanations.

It's so sweet how he didn't dare ask her to hug him again. Thankfully she took the the hint when he stood up and when she helped him hug her back it was beautiful. hyper Can't wait, I hope nothing gets in the way. Such simple things are made so magical in this fic.

I'll be eagerly checking for part 11. Thank you so much for writing this story! By the way, Kal is no longer in the suit in my head! It's more like the outfit he married Zara in now - I'm trying! Like I say, it is my imagination that keeps putting him in it not your writing!


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)