Thanks for your feedback, Bob. That was great. I've thought for a long time that meeting for the first time in the Metro Club would be a terrific beginning. It wouldn't have worked for the TV show because you need a quicker way to get Clark in the uniform.
Yes, Clark's a guy who has integrated his abilities with his life pretty well. So it would take a really big thing to get him into a costume and go public. At heart, he's a simple guy from Smallville, Kansas, who's managed to hide his abilities from the world. His brother Pete is in on the secret, but his sister Rita isn't. He's managed to keep his foster parents clueless.
Questions to ponder:
1. What one really *big* thing would he need a costume for?
2. Who would make it for him?
3. Does he still have the "S" from his blanket and where is it?
4. How deep is Mad Dog Lane going to dig in Clark's past?
5. What did he do between graduating from Smallville High in 1994 at 16 and entering the University of Kansas in 1996 at the age of 18?
6. Does he already have a professional relationship with Admiral Lane other than being just another Special Agent in Metropolis?
7. And what was my motivation in writing all this?
Well, I loved Lois and Clark and all the fiction that descended from the episodes on the boards, but I thought they could use a new twist after all this time.
Thanks for your comments! Keep watching your door for your UPS guy.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis