Still catching up and having an enjoyable afternoon doing it too. goofy Um...Superman wasn't standing too close when that lightning hit, was he? <fret>

Eeep! Yes, this was definitely a tense opening segment, Jaxie - nicely setting up the conflict and action to come.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to comment on each individual segment, frown but I enjoyed this story very much. Another thing you have a good ear for is dialogue - it's all very natural and flows well.

Loved the argument between Linda and Superman. LOL. And Martha and Jonathan were just perfect there.

I also love the little attention to detail you've worked in:

The living room was, in one word, tacky. The furniture was black and red zebra-striped leather, consisting of a couch, loveseat, and reclining chair. A glass coffee table with copies of magazines was in front of the couch, and the loveseat and chair were on either sides. Tall, black, wrought-iron, halogen floor lamps were on either side of the couch, along with two black, ceramic Great Danes. The walls were black, with framed, blown-up photos of Traci from various magazine covers, some by herself, some with other celebrities. A desk was pushed against the wall near the window, a laptop and other papers on it. A black filing cabinet was beside it.
Beautifully sharp.

And, hel-lo... laugh Sparks between Linda and Jimmy, huh? I thought the ending was cute and didn't suck at all.

Okay, on to story no. three. The title of which is already rather intriguing. <g>

clap clap

Brava, Jaxie! Thanks for sharing such a fun story.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers