That bit about the band being contractually forbidden to do original tunes... was that in the story somewhere and I just missed it?

You've explained the band's situation very logically for me, but you've done it in the comments folder. I few lines of dialog, or a short bit of Lois introspection about the band could've gone a long way toward setting the band's place in Lois' situation for me. Maybe you've done that and I just missed it.

I realize that the band is merely a small side sub-plot to provide another facet in Lois' life, but I find that I'm drawn to that more than I probably should be because of my own backroung and the fact that it provides a very differnt vehicle for showing us who Lois Lane is in this world.

Tank (who is wondering what plans Lex has for the band... or will it just be Lois)