Thanks for the comments, y'all. Glad you're enjoying it.

Sorry, Michael, no batman cameos. I tried to work one in, I really did, but the Caped Crusader wouldn't come out of the shadows. He does stick his cowl up later, though. A no-prize to the first person who spots him.

I don't like Linda? I thought I was being true to her character as presented in the show. We only saw her that one time, and she while she wasn't a complete vixen, she also wasn't a very nice person.

Lois has some mob-inspired tragedy in her past. There will be a complete revelation before we're through.

Tank, you're right about the band and their career plans. Because they're booked into a club to be the dance engine and to back up Christie, they're contractually banned from playing original tunes, but that doesn't mean they can't write them. And even though you're also right about original songs bringing stress into a group, these ladies are unusual in that they don't care about stuff like that - as long as no one tries to be bigger than the group. (Like Jennifer.)

Lois is using her music to facilitate her investigations. She's also using her investigations to facilitate her music. It's a lifestyle that can't be maintained indefinitely by anyone, except maybe Clark.

And Clark - well, RAFO.

HappyGirl, this Metro Gang may seem more dangerous, but I thought I was only presenting the group the way the show only hinted. They were classic gangsters fronting for Luthor and doing things the Capone way. Toni wasn't trying to reform them, just make them more efficient and less visible.

You're right about the internal angst.

C-mom, good insight about Lois. Yes, she lost her father just like Lucy did. And that's going to come out, too.

Kinder to Linda? Maybe. She's another reason the story grew. She wouldn't stay in the background either, as if this was her chance to explain why she was such a deleted on the show. And her change of clothes might be an inspiration to Clark, if he only knew.

Shayne, thanks for reading. I will state here that your very touching story "Duet" was part of the inspiration for this tale. The original title was "Trio," but it didn't work for the final product for a number of reasons.

Next chapter (probably) Monday evening.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing