Woo hoo! This day just keeps getting better! Two birthday stories for me! Hey, two Jack stories, no less! How well you both know me! Thank you, Saskia! This is a wonderful story! I always wanted to see more of Jack after Luthor accused him. I wondered what his thought process was. You've shown waht it was so well! That was a great idea!
But for all of his life, he had blamed everything on the system. He'd had a rotten life, and for the first time since he could remember, he was happy. Really, truly happy. But then, BOOM, this had happened. Maybe he just wasn't meant to be happy. If that was really the case, he would go back to his old life as soon as he got out of here. That life had been satisfying and brought in enough money, which was something he really liked. In that case, he should figure a way out of his prison.
Poor Jack! whinging I really feel for him here. He finally has gotten his life going in a positive direction and Luthor is ripping it all away from him.

And there had been evidence too, according to Mr. Creep. Evidence, my foot! For something he didn't do, that was highly unlikely. Darn it, Luthor had really thought this through. Jack got angrier and angrier when he thought of that... that... that crooked slimeball.
hee hee! I love this for all the negative things said about Luthor. I couldn't have said it better myself!

It was funny because as soon as he thought about taking a lie detector test, I thought that would be perfect. Then he realized that wouldn't be a good idea and I thought, "Oh, yeah!" smile

Freedom was just around the corner. It would go much faster if he slept a bit. So he started fixing his bed, just enough so he would be comfortable to sleep on it. While working on that, Jack started to hymn one of his favourite songs, Freedom by George Michael. He thought the song fitted him perfectly now. Just a few more hours, and he would be free again...

<and with that, we slip back to HoL...>
Yay, Jack. That is another thing I love about him, he doesn't lay down and take whatever comes his way. He has a lot of fight in him. The only way he's managed this long, I guess.

What a great story, Sas! I love introspection and I love Jack, so this was perfect! Thank you for the great birthday present!!

Jana (who is happy that her birthday can call attention to a wonderfully deserving, but underappreciated character)

P.S. Thanks again to Anna and Saskia and to everyone who helped by acting as a BR or anything else. I'm honored and, quite frankly, tickled pink blush to have two stories about Jack written for me.

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye