Thank you all for your feedback! smile You really made me blush. blush I'm thrilled you all like it. I've had some problems with Jack's characters, so it's good to see I managed to get it right. After all, he is a sweet boy. wink

What a great story, Sas! I love introspection and I love Jack, so this was perfect! Thank you for the great birthday present!!
YAY! You liked it, Jana. I'm so happy you do! smile1 Hope you had a great birthday too.

Saskia, Groot krunststuk!! fantastisch novelle, mijns inziens
rotflol Thank you! I'm having trouble to see this as a big piece of art or a wonderful vignette, but if you say so... Who's been learning you Dutch anyway? wink They forgot to tell you it's 'kunststuk' without the r. laugh

Well, Sas, what can I say other than it's just excellent?
Thank you!!! You really made my day, Sara.

And there's this:

Hope to see more from you.
who is impatiently waiting for the "next' story you write
eagerly awaiting your NEXT fic
I'll see what I can do about that. I'm busy with my internship, so I don't have much time (basically none at all) to write fic. But there's this idea in my head that keeps returning, no matter how many times I'm telling it to come back in half year. So who knows...

Thanks again Jana, Laura, Vicki, Rat, Roger, Tricia, Merry, S, Sara and Maria!

Saskia jump

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!