I'm supposed to be grading papers but this is more fun wink .

Terry - thanks again. No, not a whole lot of 'Our Town' because I don't know enough about it - though there will be some mentions in the future...

JD - seatbelt? Really? Not necessary. Not yet anyway. Maybe later...

Female Hawk - personally, I'm thinking 47 is a good age to start dating. Of course, I have 3 daughters so I'm sure that's a big part of it [though, my oldest daughter's 'boyfriend' [little boy who rides the same bus] and she are getting married when they're 21 - right after their first date].

Sarah - /waves/ Sorry your life has been off kilter. Glad I can help!

Sue - /looks for Ricochet 7 and doesn't see it anywhere/ LOL! at the Vatman scene! Love it. Kind of but I think even this 16yo Clark is more smooth than that! I know we haven't seen much of Abby, but I see her as Lois' best friend for years who wouldn't say anything not a random sort of friend she doesn't trust.

Iolan - to give Lana a smidge of credit, she may have heard rumors during the morning that Lois and Clark are a thing, but it's only been a couple days. Hmm... Lana with a green rock... hasn't that been done wink ? Dunno when Clark starts flying but he does at some point.

Elisabeth - what's standard in your experience? Most of my friends [in Phoenix but in a fairly conservative Christian school] couldn't date until 16. See above for my current thoughts smile .

Lola - Sorry for bringing up those memories wink and glad you're enjoying the younger L/C. It's a bit weird as the new WIP is set in S-2 or so - couple years before the pilot rather than this 16-18 thing I've had going on lately... Thanks for that - will work in the kiss thing later.

Iolan - Yes, Emily dies [man that was hard to type - one of my daughter's names and all...], but she gets to kiss George - the Stage Manager, originally male, doesn't wink .

Ann - I looked for a movie copy so I could watch it and possibly work more of it in but couldn't find one cheap enough. Thought about borrowing the book from the library but decided it wasn't worth it. Glad you like them together - as mentioned last time, I kind of wanted them to be like Clana in OTOH but less squicky wink .

Amber - you've hit it on the head. I can't make it TOO ANGSTY in 16 chapters. And no not the last we've heard from Lana.

Bob - I love Martha. She rocks. I think Clark knows Lana well enough to know he needs to be careful around her.

AnKS - Yeah, I'd say probably more minor than major re the play. Hehe, yeah, if Clark lost his memory then this Lana could be big trouble. Lois and Lana were in Kindergarten, a year behind 1st grader Clark when they met in the sandbox. Lois, for some as yet undetermined reason, has decided to graduate high school in 3 years instead of 4. Technically, right now, she's probably officially in 10th grade with Lana while Clark is in 11th but next year L/C will both be in 12th [and Lana in 11th] because right now Lois doesn't have enough credits to be in 11th grade, but will have enough [with summer school and extra classes during the year] to be considered 12th the next year. Does that make sense? I have a copy of their schedules if that would help. I looked it all up on the KS education website and made sure it met the minimum requirements...

Thanks everyone. Next post probably Friday. Possibly tomorrow if I have another crappy work day [which is possible] but we'll see... I also have to spit shine the whole house between now and bedtime tomorrow night and am not feeling well so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!

Off to grade papers...