Loved their evolving relationship. You did say that the first few parts are just the background. So, maybe the play is just a minor event? Major or minor, Lois and Clark would come out stronger and together, right?

I was also wondering.. what the main plot is... And if the title "Shaken not Stirred" has anything to with the the L&C episode "All Shook Up?" If it does, and if Clark loses his memory, then the whole Lana and Clark kissing has a new meaning... uhoh.

Sorry, just rambling.. Looking fwd to the story and its plot.

So, just to clarify... is Lois one year behind Lana & Clark, and plans to finish one year ahead (i.e. with them).. or are all of them in the same batch? Sorry, I'm not that familiar with the US high school structure.

thumbsup thumbsup

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria