Artemis: "tightly knit"? Thanks! Honestly, much of the time it feels like my stories barely achieve a loose weave.

IolantheAlias: I'm glad you enjoyed the delivery story. Like "100 Meters" it just sort of showed up out of the blue. I can't help but wonder if I should include it as an Author's Note for the archive. As for those inspirations I used to get back in college, you do have me thinking about a way to work in Higgs field manipulation by the KEs as the basis of some of the powers. Hmmm...

cp33: Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. In the week since this arrived I have to admit that I've become more and more tempted to try for the "rest of the story". Unfortunately, there are two problems:
1. I like this as is. I don't want to add something and risk devaluing this piece just for the sake of finishing the story.
2. TOGoM is special. "100 Meters" showed up unexpectedly and just seemed to work. I have a standing agreement with myself that I won't do anything with TOGoM unless I think I have produced a piece that is worthy of this most special of settings. To get written, the rest of the story would have to be special.
