First, thank you all for the FDK. Before I go on, I have to share a most unusual Sunday afternoon. It went a little like this:

<Bob> Huh?
<Nondescript Delivery Person> Bob?
<Bob> Yes.
<NDP> I have a story for you.
<Bob> Great! I've been waiting for that for 2 days. (Looks at package.) Wait. This isn't what I ordered.
<NDP> (Checks records.) It says here you placed an order for a "super short" and a different order for "an original idea for a TOGoM" story. Congratulations pal, you got both together.
<Bob> But I placed those orders months ago and they were never filled. I'm waiting on Chapter 6 for the sequel to Luck and Consequences.
<NDP> Sorry. This is what I have.
<Bob> But I don't want this now. Can I exchange it for Chapter 6?
<NDP> I'm in delivery, not production. Besides, we have a strict no exchanges policy.
<Bob> But what am I supposed to do with this.
<NDP> Well, you can just put it on the shelf but... (Comes closer and lowers voice) You won't get another delivery until you do something with this. (Pointing at story.) If you ask me, if you want that Chapter 6 thing to be delivered, you better do something about this first.
<Bob> (Looking over story.) Well, okay.
(NDP turns to leave.)
<Bob> Hold it! Where's the rest.
<NDP> (Turning back.) That's it.
<Bob> It can't be. My stories always end with Lois and Clark in each other's arm's or holding hands or something like that. I at least have to leave them friendly and talking.
<NDP> Not this time.
<Bob> (Looking over the story again.) Well... okay. But you at least have to tell me about the three words. What are they?
<NDP> Beat's me. Delivery, remember.
<Bob> Hold it. I need to know what those words are.
<NDP> Nah. Think of it as an artistic ending. You know, reader suspense and all that.
<Bob> Well, it is a nice little piece.
<NDP> So if you're done, I have places to go.
<Bob> Wait, is there a sequel?
<NDP> How should I know? Do I look like I'm carrying anything else today? If I can go now...
<Bob> Hold it. What about Chapter 6?
<NDP> I suggest you take care of that first. (Points at story again.) I'm sure Chapter 6 will be along in time. And by the way, your more recent deliveries are sure a lot more entertaining than those ideas that I used to bring you in college about quantum mechanics and gravity. That stuff was *so* dry.

Anyway, that's what happened. (Well, sort of...) This hit me completely out of the blue with no warning. Also, it arrived fully formed. This only took about 15 minutes to write. (Plus a little more time to adjust the wording.) Usually I stew over ideas for days or sometimes weeks before they hit paper.

Sue: I hope this can hold you for a while. Thanks for the FDK.

Michael: Thanks. But this is all I got.

Carol: I loved your ideas. And, for the record, the NDP told me in the utmost confidence that there were two sets of three words being thrown around in production before the decision was made to stop at 0 meters. Both of those sets are on your list. smile

Artemis: I wish I could say there was more, but this really looks to be it.

Female Hawk: Thanks. But I have been assured that this is the whole story. As for meters, I was trained as a Physicist. I've never gotten over the fact that the all of my education was based on the SI units that the whole rest of the world uses except my own country. I guess this is my one little plea to join the rest of the civilized world and use standard units. While I was in school I never imagined how valuable it would be to know that there are 25.4 microns in a mil (1/1000 of an inch).

Hi Ann: I like the race imagery. However, my vision was more of a fuse burning down (as in to a bomb) or count down to a rocket launch or an explosion.

Hi James! It's good to hear from you. Those three words. Hmmm. Well, there are some really good words in Carol's list.

IolantheAlias: Thank you so much.

Vicki: Thank you. To be honest, it seems funny that now that it has been mentioned, I see the "race" tie-in. When I came up with the title, I never once thought of a race. I guess it shows that I'm not a track or swimming fan.

AnKS: Well, if NDP shows up unexpectedly there might be a sequel but for my part I'm not holding my breath.

BJ: Thanks. TOGoM has been done so many times and so well that I promised myself that I wouldn't go anywhere near it unless I had something that at least felt a little bit original.

(Who has now gone back to anxiously awaiting the NDP to bring Chapter 6.)