Who me? Couldn't be!

I *would* *not* resort to the giving of sweets in an effort to stea... er, abscon... er, *borrow*, yes, that's it, *borrow* temporarily fic.

Nope. Not me. Wouldn't be.

Okay. Well, maybe.

Yeah, I probably would.

But ignore that part and come over for cookies. I'll even make brownies and I have chocolate/peanut butter Twix too...

And bring that laptop or hard drive with you. I won't sneak it out the window to my computer guru neighbor to download anything. Nope. Wouldn't do it. We'd have a brainstorming session or something and you'd need it to take notes on. Yep, that's it.


/sigh/ You don't believe me? Fine. Come on over for chocolate anyway wink .

Carol [who thinks the next fic is nearly done but still isn't sure it'll be worth bargaining with...]