Whee! more feedbacks!

Jen So you're saying I hit the nail on the head with Lois in this part? Glad to hear it. Sorry to leave you angry or frustrated or whatever makes you want to act violently. frown BTW the peanut butter pie sounds interesting. Enjoy!

Carol Cookies sound good. Definitely if they involve chocolate (the darker the better) - maybe with a tall, frosty glass of milk? I'm seriously considering posting part 16, especially if it'll get me perks like this :p

Sheila - Sorry for the super angst, I didn't really mean it. But with a villian like Lex, it's hard to get around it.
I'm surprised that Clark didn't just snatch Lois up and take her with him at her "What could possibly go wrong?" comment.
Well, Clark has only known her for a couple of weeks, maybe it hasn't sunk in how jeopardy-friendly she is yet. Hang in there.

Artemis I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. Yes, Lois is in quite a pickle isn't she? Thanks for your comment.