And now I'm back. It's only my vow to worship that keeps me typing since my current inclination is to crawl back into bed and curse at Lois for being so GALACTICALLY STUPID!
“Clark, I’m in the middle of the police station. What could possibly happen to me before you get back?”
That's like saying, "God Himself could not sink this ship."

When Clark gave her the glass of water at the beginning of this part it reminded me that I completely skipped over so many of the little details from before. And these are not little ordinary details. No these are the kind of details that take this story from being a really fun read to being something complexly layered that I can't stop thinking about obsessively after I've read it for the third time. For instance, the fact that Lois gets vertigo when Clark moves her around quickly. And the way he freaked out about it more than she did - fearing that he had unintentionally hurt her. And the hurt/comfort of having him get her a glass of water, which she gamely sips at just to be nice.

And, good golly gosh, that kiss in the alley. drool

“Why don’t you go ahead and make those changes. I’m just going to go and um…” What? Die of embarrassment? Pray for a different life? Wish that I hadn’t married the biggest crook of our time and that I were single? “Get some coffee,” I finish weakly.
That made me laugh - it's so perfectly Lois. Cynical and meek in the same instant.

I realize I’m standing there in my ‘Angel’ outfit
If she's still in that get-up, I'm impressed he was able to focus on just her mouth. wink

“Why don’t we just put my name on the story and you can be the copy editor?”
Aww, don't be mean. I've known some very nice copy editors. smile

Suddenly, leaving without Clark doesn’t seem like such a good idea.
Hello? Duh!

I'm just praying she managed to get some kind of squeak out and Clark is waiting just around the corner of the garage to rescue her. I know it's not gonna happen like that, but it will give me something to obsess about (besides the yummy UST of the story) until you post the next part this afternoon. grovel

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis