First of all, I think I need to say how overwhelmed I am to the continued response to this story! I never expected to get more than a couple of comments, especially now with the Kerths coming up.

As for the ideas and theories people have suggested (but may not necessarily think are true), all I will say is that some have been right, some are things I never thought of, and some are wrong but I can see how people came up with the idea.

For any that are struggling to understand Clark, all I will say is that this is written from Lois’ sometimes very warped point-of-view. There are, I think, a couple of scenes coming up, where what Lois perceives as Clark’s thoughts/motivations etc is way off, but as is the nature of how this story is being told, that is all the information given*. I hereby give every reader a free pinch of salt with which to read this fic!

And, before I run off again, I’ll just mention that part 5 should be up this weekend.

- Alisha

*small print: Number of scenes may be less or more than stated and the statement may apply to other characters as well. Alisha’s memory is not as exact as she would like and she cannot be held accountable for any mistakes it may make.