Wow - this is an amazing story. It's so well done that it almost hurts to read it. I'm intrigued about how things will go and can't wait for more.

I especially liked the conversation between Lois and Mayson. The characterizations were well done - I could really visualize them, their body language and the tone of voice. This part was particularly telling:
“...Clark would be worth sacrificing all that for.”

I wanted to ask her why she hadn’t. If it wasn’t the publicity keeping them apart, I had no idea what was. Maybe their arguments about Superman, but that didn’t seem right either.
So maybe it's Clark that is keeping them apart, not because of how Mayson feels about Superman, but because of how he still feels about Lois.

I really hadn’t expected him to come; I could see no reason why he would. He hated me, I was sure of it and there was no logical reason for him to desire a woman he hated, unless Superman was secretly a masochist.
I'm sure that's what is running through Clark's mind too - that he's a masochist for wanting more of Lois Lane. whinging

I do think it's interesting that Clark cut Lois off when she started talking about her investigation of Intergang. I know she was floundering for something to say to him, and instinctively she's began talking to him like he's still her partner. Unfortunately, this only highlights to Clark the life he no longer has. Ouchie.

Here's to hoping it gets better soon (meaning the ouchie, not the story. The story is fantastic).