Just read parts 3 and 4... wow... I left some comments on the nfic side.. and I really love this story,,.can't wait to see where it goes.

I don't think I like Masyon much... It seems to me she is unwilling to accept Clark/Superman as he is. She wants him to live as she deems right. It's amazing how her notions on Superman remain unchanged, yet she wants to have a friendship / relationship with Clark... even after the revelation... I had never thought of it this way.. wow!

I might be wrong but I think his wonder at their first time and his constant struggle to keep in check his instinctive touches point toward Lois being his first as well as his only.

How far is Lois willing to be used as a way of assuaging her guilt and regret? How long will Clark continue this affair before his actions catch up with him?

This show of Clark's 'love' (er, lust) for Lois without the trust, respect and all the other things is bound to hurt two lonely people even more.

Okay, here's what I think. I might be completely off base here, but maybe:

Clark despite everything can't bring himself to settle his feelings for Lois. He is very very ambiguous about her... a side which is curt, angry, sort of mean to her... and a side which lives in might-have-beens and dreams of kissing her, etc. Meanwhile, Lois is all too understanding, and is in such a submissive mode that Clark might feel guilty for hating her, yet he wants to hate her... so... here's an idea... Unconsciously, he is doing something geared towards making Lois actively hate him so that she can help him hate her...

thumbsup thumbsup thumbsup

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria