Aw, thanks for all the comments guys! Big hugs all round! sloppy

So, collectively you all think that Clark is a womaniser who has just had sex for the first time with Lois, which was an evil scheme of his to get back at her for revealing his secret identity, and she’s later going to find out that she’s pregnant and cut her hair. (Can anyone spot Tank’s input? laugh ). I won’t say anything other than ‘no comment’, but I love reading your ideas!

robinson, yes, it probably would be interesting to ‘hear’ Clark’s thoughts, but that’s one of the reasons it’s all in Lois’ head, so that we only know what she does.

Laura, LOL! I know the nfic folder is a little... empty at the moment, and I do feel a little guilty about not putting this in there. Sorry about that!

Tank, a new haircut for a new Lois, eh? Well, I agree, it would certainly be symbolic. Or maybe Clark could get so angry with her that he attacks her with a pair of scissors, or maybe even a razor and completely shaves her head? What a world of possibilities a haircut opens up! Or, maybe her hair remains the same? Who knows? wink

Ann, thanks for your opinion.

So, Terry, pregnant Lois and Clark the womaniser, eh? Hmm... And as for the technical notes – as soon as I got the idea for this story I knew it had to be written from Lois’ first-person point of view. I just couldn’t see how it would work any other way!

Artemis, thank you, and I hope you do carry on reading.

Sorry I took so long to post part three, Sheila! I’ll try not to make you wait so long for part four. I’m not going to make a comment on Clark’s intentions and experience!

Thank you for your thoughts, SJH.

Bob, I don’t blame you; I wouldn’t trust me either!

And, IolantheAlias, thanks for your comments.