I think I disagree with Ann. I think, for Lois, it was more than just sex. But at this point, I don't think it was more for Clark. He still carries a great deal of bitterness and resentment against Lois for what she did, and he's nowhere near putting that behind him and building a real relationship with her. Just because the body does something doesn't mean the mind will follow along.

I do agree, though, that they can't go back to where they were before, especially if Lois gets pregnant. I don't care if she's on the pill, Clark's little swimmers are super-powered. Besides, just because she says it doesn't mean she really is. Maybe she was just trying to ease his troubled mind in more ways than one.

I'm not a fan of casual sex, and that's putting it lightly. You've set up a situation that will demand a resolution - and soon - because there's no way they can just be casual adversaries from now on. Lois has allowed her heart to lead her into a minefield, and Clark has put another layer of lead shielding against Lois Lane on his heart. And Clark's attitude towards Lois in bed makes me wonder how often he's taken comfort in the arms of a woman he has no real feelings for or commitment to. He's well on his way to thinking of women as objects of desire and satisfaction instead of people, and that can't help him in his Superman work.

I assume that the next chapter will be the morning after. I wonder if Lois will say something she'll regret. Of course, she's already done something she's going to regret. Watching Clark go to sleep facing away from her has to hurt, no matter her protestations to herself.

It had been sex, it had been good. We’d both enjoyed it and found a much needed release from it. It was enough.
Ha! Like I believe that!

Technical notes: The first-person viewpoint is difficult to work with, but you're doing a first-class job with it. What a writer gives up in presenting information from multiple sources is given back by being able to 'drill' deeper into the mind of the person who's telling the story. We've already seen how Lois is trying to deal with this whole situation, and how she's trying to find a way to make things right.

As much as some will want to see or hear Clark's thoughts, I strongly advise you to stay in Lois' head for the entire story. This is, after all, her tale to tell, and it would be cheating to 'peek' into Clark's mind. You can show us part of what's going on in his head by having Lois observe his actions and his attitude, listening to not only what he says but how he says it, having her make eye contact with him and showing us her view of his reaction.

You're doing a wonderful job so far, and I applaud your efforts. I'm not quite brave enough to tackle first-person in this fandom. Three cheers to you, Alisha!

I want the next part! Bring it on!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing