Alisha! Finally! Part three. I agree with the masses that you are doing a first rate job with this story. It *is* original!

“I’m not arguing with you, Kent.”

Suddenly his eyes locked with mine and I was startled by the intensity of them. “What did you call me?”

“Kent. That’s your name,” I told him, momentarily wondering if the kryptonite had caused some sort of amnesia. That might be why he was talking to me.

“I know, but,” we lost eye contact again and I immediately missed it, “hardly anyone calls me my name.”
Clark sounds so lonely here. He wants so badly to be able to be "just Clark", and have a personal life with someone that he loves, but...
“Clark, please. Just go to bed. You don’t need to put yourself out for me. I’m the one in the wrong.”

“Only if you come with me.” I stared at him in shock. Had he really just said...? “It’s the only way either of us will get any sleep. I know you won’t back down either.”
This sounds almost like Clark is daring Lois to come to bed with him. It's almost as if he's thought it through and is planning to sleep with her and discard her as a way of using her insecurities t get back at her. I think CLark knows that Lois would do just about anything to make this thing right with him.
“You awake?” His question surprised me as I felt it breeze through my hair.


“This isn’t a dream then?”

I allowed myself a small, sarcastic chuckle. “Yeah, because you dream about us lying together like this a lot.”

He sighed but made no answer. I felt him move his head so that it rested against the top of mine. I was amazed at how natural this all felt. “Can we pretend this is a dream?” he asked me softly after a pause.

“Please,” I begged, pulling myself away from his chest so I could look at him.
I wondered if Clark was playing head games here but I think that this is what he really wants but doesn't want to be too vulnerable.
He searched my face for some reaction, I don’t know what he was expecting to see but I assumed he found it as his face leant closer and his mouth found mine. I closed my eyes as his tongue teased my lips open and I allowed myself to shut out the reality of our situation and immerse myself in our dream. Why on earth he’d dream about kissing me, I had no idea but he was very good at it and I knew that I’d be dreaming about this for a long time, whether it was a dream or reality. I brought my hands up to run them through his hair and hold his mouth more firmly against mine as I slid my tongue along his into his mouth so that I could taste him more fully. At first he seemed to welcome this invasion, but then he seemed to come to his senses and he broke off the kiss. He raised himself up onto his arms and gazed down wondrously at me. Then he let out a deep breath.
Oh yeah! party

“Clark,” I responded, and watched him as he closed his eyes at the sound of my husky voice saying his name.

“I...” he seemed to find it hard to vocalise whatever it was that was bothering him.

“What is it?” I prodded gently.

“This isn’t right.”

No, it wasn’t. Nothing was right any more, especially between us. Except this, to me, this felt perfect. “It’s just a dream.”

“It’s not, though. There are... consequences to consider.”

“I’m on the pill.”

A small smile graced his passion-flushed face. “I didn’t mean that. I meant... us. I can’t make love to you.” He was serious again, and starting to look angry.

“I can’t force you to,” I sighed. I just about managed to stop myself from smiling at what I said. ‘Forcing’ *him*, of all people, really was beyond my limits.

He shook his head sadly. “No. You don’t understand. If we continued, it would just be sex.”

“I know,” I whispered, “there’ll never be anything between us, I’ve hurt you too deeply. I know I was never exactly nice to you before, and then I--” I broke myself off, deciding not to go down that path, the last thing I wanted to do right now was remind him of what I had done to him, “but a part of me still wants to be your friend. It’s crazy, isn’t it? There’s no way you can ever forgive me for ruining your life. I wish I could make you forget it all.”

“Maybe you can,” his voice came out unusually deep, even when compared to the voice he used as Superman. He lowered his mouth back down to mine and I closed my eyes as we fell into our dream.
So, it's almost as if Clark is having second thoughts about his plan to have "sex" with Lois and hurt her. But then he implies that this could help him to forgive and forget. This is a can of copperheads that they have opened. There is *no* way that either of them will be able to regard this as *just sex*, especially when they find out that Lois is pregnant and CLark blames her for yet something else that angers him!
Unlike every other time I’d slept with a man, this time I knew from the start it was nothing more than sex and for some reason that made me even more determined not to ruin it by hearing him tell me how little it meant to him.
As long as you're honest with yourself, Lois.
I think he had moved so that he had his back to me. His tired and sated voice drifted over to me. “‘Night, Lois.”

Ouch...this had to hurt Lois. I still believe that this meant something to Lois and to Clark. I don't think either of them would participate in casual sex and I believe this is just like the show...Clark's first time and cannot be taken lightly. This is good, Alisha!

Loved it, loved it, loved it! Don't take so long with part 4!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.