Oh, my goodness gracious. smile1

Although, a common point seems to be the fact that Lois didn't return the ring to Lex...I should've known y'all would be smart enough to pick up on that. Shucks. Now I'm going to have to write that sequel. wink Actually, I was honestly not planning a sequel, then I decided to try because enough of you asked for it, but hated it even as I wrote. Then last night (in the wee hours of the morning when I was supposed to be asleep, naturally), I had an idea. And I like it. So keep a look-out for...dum da dum dum...Clark and Lex's reactions. laugh Coming soon (hopefully) to a message board near you.

Gabriele -- great point about Jonathan's reaction to Lois calling. I'll work on that bit before I send it to the archive. Thanks.

Thanks again, you guys! I'm so glad you liked it!


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.