I've refrained from posting feedback on this part until I could get my thoughts straight on how I really feel about all of this. I'm still truthfully reserving judgement until I've seen how this all turns out, but I thought I'd go ahead and chip in my two cents.

I've been reading this story since the beginning, and honestly it hasn't gone anywhere near where I thought it would when I first started reading it. That said, despite the fact that it's not what I was envisioning, I've truly enjoyed most of it. I'm perfectly okay with a little character torture, as long as the toys are fixed by the end. I think you've crafted a great tale here, Carol.

However, I cannot fathom the idea that you would torture Lois and Clark this much and not at least give them the one perfect thing we've all been holding our breath for - the time when the commit the final act of consummating their relationship as man and wife. I really really hope that Lois wasn't raped by Luthor. I think that's a bit much for the poor girl to take, even if she doesn't remember it actually happening. But even if she wasn't raped, she was drugged during her first time with Clark and doesn't remember any of it. I find that to be a terribly tragedy - a couple who has worked so hard to overcome so much now finds that even this sacred act has been corrupted.

I really want Lois to remember her night with Clark. I really want her to not have been raped by Luthor. I hope you fix the toys, Carol. I'm still reading, with interest, but I don't think there's going to be a WHAM warning big enough when you ship this off to the archives if the rape and the not remembering the night with Clark hold true for the rest of the fic. help

Oh, and I agree with what others said. Given how in tune Clark had to have been with Lois during that time, and given his super memory, he should remember some indication as to whether she was still a virgin or not at the time.