Waiting to hear back on a couple BR things... then will post...

I have been watching all of the FDK here. I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but that's okay. I'm trying to make sure I incorporate as many of the answers as possible given my POV limitations [I can't have a convo with Lex/Nigel/whoever b/c everything is from L/C's POV so I have to find another way to tell his side of the story]. Most of the answers were already in there I think but... I can't answer all of it here because - as ML would say - that might give stuff away so...

As for this...
Originally posted by kmar:

Also at first she knows she wasn't unfaithful with him and then she knows she was raped. You are kind of waffling all over the place here.
She says she would never cheat on him. And she wouldn't. She wouldn't knowingly, willingly have sex with another man. And 'knowing' she was raped, even if she doesn't remember it, isn't the same thing as being unfaithful to him. There's a big difference. Even if she *seemed* to be consenting to something, if she was under the influence of drugs of some kind, she's not responsible for what she may or may not do with someone else - especially if that person is the one who drugged her. Sorry but it's not the same thing. Sex with someone else while she's drugged is *not* the same as cheating on her husband while she's in full control of her faculties.

Anyway - look for more later today - I hope.
