I don't know how I feel about this. First I was happy because it seemed that I was right in being optimistic but then WHAM . Now even Lois thinks she was raped! What is up with that?

I too think that Clark would have noticed something. COme one, during their first time there would be some unpleasantries . Even if she can't remember a thing, he should know if she was still a virgin or not.

But poor Clark. He was able to live his dream finally and than he gets hit with something like that. That is so unfair!

I do like that they will continue dating as part of their normal life now once they are back in Metropolis. Maybe Lois realizes subconciously that she doesn't need to be afraid of Clark touching her. I am also glad that she finally agreed to see a therapist. It is about time! I was hoping she wouldn't need to but without it, she will never fully recover from her past.

Maybe they can run into Luthor at home, see his black eye and Lois will remember instinctly that he was the guy who tried to rape her. One can continue to hope, right? wink

Natascha (who definitely needs some real progress in the next part to cheer her up!)