He was glad that the Planet had purchased their plane tickets but he was even more grateful that Lois had suggested splurging to upgrade to First Class. The extra room was nice – making him feel slightly less claustrophobic.
Smart move. I flew first class a couple of months ago for the first time - it's SO much better than coach! The seats are way more comfortable (I think it's the first time I've ever been able to -really- sleep on an airplane). It's more spacious (I'm semi-tall - 5'8 with 34 inches of legs, so I really suffer on flights). And the food is better (as in, you actually get food, including freshly baked chocolate chip cookies instead of three dollars for a bag of stale pretzels). It's going to be so hard to go back to coach on my next flight :rolleyes:

Not all of the questions were relevant anymore – the ones about Mayson and any other women there might have been. But others... others were. She'd worked on a list of them over the last several weeks, just in case she did have the guts to ask him about all of it.
It's good to see Lois thinking about these things. Communication is a must at this point! Let's hope she gets up the nerve to discuss all the important stuff. I'm sure Clark would understand, possibly even encourage her to speak up.

"It was great of Perry to finagle us a portable computer."
"Just remember to go slow when you type because you almost burned up that keyboard at school. And I doubt Stern would be too happy about you ruining the first laptop he bought for reporters."
Hee! My first computer was a genuine Compaq Portable Computer , circa 1983. I used that thing all the way through high school to write, type papers, etc. I still have it, and it still works, although it is now in the dusty corner of my storage unit. The funny thing is, I hit a typing speed of 100 wmp by junior high, and that computer did not like it. Over about 50 wmp, and it would start freaking out. At first, the words would appear on the screen about ten-fifteen seconds after I typed them, and then eventually the computer would beep at me and refuse any more imput until it caught up to me. It was funny, but frustrating when I really needed to type quickly. I think I maxed out at some point at about 130 wmp, and I've since mellowed out to -only- 80 wmp wink

"I know. And I knew you were there somewhere and would be back soon. He seemed nice enough but he held me closer than I was comfortable with. I couldn't get away from him. It wasn't that I really thought he was going to hurt me or whatever, but he was there and I couldn't get away and you weren't there and..." Tears started to fall. "I was trapped and you weren't there and..."
Poor Lois! Can't the girl just catch a break?! I, for one, completely understand her reluctance and hesitance toward developing physical intimacy, and I don't just mean sex. She has had a traumatic life, and then she was almost raped! I have to disagree with others here that her attraction to Clark should be strong enough - it's extremely difficult to go through and get over the psychological trauma Lois has been through. Given everything the poor girl has experienced, I think she's progressing by leaps and bounds. Yes, I'd love to see her give Clark a real chance, but I'm being realistic in expecting it to take -time- for her emotional scars to heal, no matter how gorgeous and kind Clark is. You don't just get over the kind of thing Lois has been through.