Thanks again everyone smile . Your comments are truly appreciated.

Natascha - Thank you. Cat caught me by surprise but she's not 'our' Cat, per se. Much more of a professional reporter than 'mudslinging gossip monger'.

James - Thanks wink .

Lara - ditto!

Elisabeth - I love this Perry. I mean I love Perry in general, but he's really been what all four of these 'kids' need. Him and Alice both - even when Lois especially was cutting them out. You bring up an interesting point about Clark and I've worked it in later. Thank you. And see above for the garlic chicken 'recipe' Clark used [though he doesn't have that variety of Ragu so he made his own]. I've always guessed he learned from Lana's mom since he lived there so long, but I guess I don't really know. He can read a cookbook? They are starting to talk more about lots of things and that is nice. That conversation with Lucy has been written for months but it'll be while before it happens. As for Jimmy and Lucy - that particular scene is in Lucy's Story in more detail. wink

JD - you FS you!!! wink And Lois may be a lot of things, but unobservant isn't one of them.

cp33 - let me know how dinner comes out! First kiss? What first kiss? *big innocent eyes*

Rona - Thanks! Hope the boards load better for you - I'm still having problems from time to time too.

Ann - As I said above, I love this Perry. And if they don't pass their classes and graduate, then he's going to have a much harder time getting them on as reporters, so it's really in his own best interests wink . Oh, and theirs. As for the end - I know all to well what it's like not to be able to buy new clothes and such for long periods and eventually everything starts to wear out. That's the point I think they're at - or getting to quickly. And thank you smile .

Andreia - well, I would have posted then but I'd run out of buffer quickly. At the moment, I'm managing to stay caught up - post one part, write one part plus a little bit. Though I did get two parts finished in the last two days. I promise once I get it done, I'll post more often.

Sheila - thank you. Things like this can bring a couple together or tear them apart. I hope this continues to bring them together. I think holding her hand etc are things that Clark would have always done but Lois wasn't ready for. I think in some ways she's still not, but needs his support more than she's not comfortable with hand holding etc. you know? I love Cat and Henderson. Friaz was the only other reporter I could think of who might have been there a while. And I so wasn't going to use Ralph. *shudder* has there ever been a story when Ralph was a good guy?

Anon - thank you smile . They're going to have so much time on their hands soon they won't know what to do with themselves. Stay tuned to see what happens.

ORG - Thank you!

Look for the next post here in a bit.

Thanks again everyone!