Hey Carol!

I'm turning into a Feedback Slacker (FS), but I am still loving this story!

"I bet it wasn't anything like the picture in her head," Lois said softly.

"No," he answered slowly. "But she also said that the location and the clothes didn't matter, but that I was marrying my best friend and that was the most important thing." He reached out with one hand and gently caressed her face. "And I did. You know that, right? I married my best friend and, despite the problems we've had and the struggles we've faced, there's nowhere - *nowhere* - else I'd rather be."
A big sappy awwwww. smile1

And I have to giggle at this from Elisabeth:
One last note. It was fun to watch Lois dance around telling Clark that she would have to be blind not to notice what a fantastic body he has developed.
Yep! goofy Couldn't have said it better myself.

Great part!

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy