Carol, I don't need to tell you that this is yet another awesome part. This little incident seems to have brought our favorite couple closer together.
Clark held Lois' hand in his own as they stepped off the elevator and on to the newsroom floor. Though good friends with Perry, they were rarely here this time of day and didn't know many of the newsroom employees. In fact, they should have been in class even at this point, but today there were more important things going on.
I'll bet Lois isn't even aware that Clark is holding her hand...for support and she is comforted by his presence.
Lois nodded. "Something happened last night." She paused, unsure of how to continue.

"Is Lucy okay?"

"Oh, yeah, she's fine." She glanced at Clark who reached over and took her hand.

"Do you want me to?" he asked her softly.

She shook her head. "If I can't tell Perry, how can I ever tell anyone else?"

Clark nodded.
Again, Clark holds Lois's hand for support. Somehow it has a calming effect on her. He even offers to tell her story, to take the burden of her pain to keep her from having to relive it, but with his support, Lois has the strength to do it herself.
She took another breath, grateful for Clark's hand in her own. "He knew that Clark and I weren't as close as we should be and, I guess, there's a rumor flying around campus that Clark's been having an affair with a woman named Mayson Drake for two years. I knew about it, but Clark didn't and it's not true but that doesn't matter, and I've worked late alone with him on a fairly regular basis. Other students have worked late alone with him – including other girls – but I'm the only married one."
In many ways, Lois and Clark are more close than a lot of others because they are bonded by something much deeper than just being in love. They have a connection that is almost supernatural and a friendship. The trust is coming and Lois doesn't yet realize it but she is already in love with Clark. Once she gets past her trust issues, she wont be afraid to let Clark know that she is in love with him, too.
"And you two don't work for the Star anymore?"

Clark shook his head. "We're both unemployed at the moment."

"Not anymore. I'll take care of it – even if it's officially something like research for the next few weeks until my college kids leave."

"Thanks, Perry."
Ahh, just wonderful how you wrote him. He steps in and rescues Lois and Clark just when they think that they are running out of options.

I love the way Cat is written in here and I just cannot say enough about Henderson and how underwritten he was in the series.
A few minutes later, Lois joined him. She sat at the table and looked at him contemplatively.

"What? Do I have sauce on my shirt?"

She shook her head. "I never said thank you."

"For what?"

"Last night." She plucked at the long sleeve pajama shirt she was wearing. "I know how much spending money you have and I know how much all of this must have cost, so thank you."

Clark smiled at her. "It was my pleasure. It was the least I could do. I know you've needed some new pajamas and stuff and I thought you'd rather have some new stuff last night."

"You thought right." She stared at the floor for a minute. "I'm sorry I thought you had some ulterior motive."

"It's over, remember?"

"Yeah. But still, you must have been saving up for something to have this kind of cash."

"I was."

"Do you mind if I ask what?"

He smiled again. "Our first date."


"Remember – after graduation, I was going to take you on our first official date."

She nodded. "I remember. I just didn't think you did."
I think Lois is finally starting to see how much Clark really loves her and...only wants her to love him, too.
"When was the last time you bought something *new*? And I don't mean a six-pack of socks at Cost Mart."

Lois shrugged. "It's been a while."

"Exactly. You still wear the same pajamas you wore on our honeymoon and, until last night, didn't have any new ones. And that's just a for instance. Your jeans are the same ones you had in high school. So are most of your shirts. The only things you've really bought in the three and a half years we've been married are some used business attire for the Star. I'm not saying let's buy out Rodeo Drive, but we could both use a new wardrobe – and so could Lucy." He eyed her. "And you know, a bunch of my clothes have disappeared over the years. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" His eyes twinkled.

Lois blushed. "So maybe I 'borrowed' a few of your shirts." She saw his raised brow. "And maybe a pair of sweat shorts or two, but those shirts wouldn't fit you anymore anyway."
It's always all about Lois and the last time she did something for herself in Clark's eyes. Again a symbol of his love for her. And I think Lois wearing Clark's shirts symbolizes a closeness that she wants...has with him that she doesn't even realize.
"I may have been stupid the last three and a half years, Clark, but I'm not blind. I know you're bigger than you were when we got married." She didn't look at him as she spoke. "You have a very nice build – that's one of the reasons why it was so easy to believe there were other women after you. Heck, Lana and Rachel were after you in high school and you weren't built like you are now."
Lois is letting Clark know that she has noticed his physical changes and she likes them. Yep, the walls are weakening.
"No," he answered slowly. "But she also said that the location and the clothes didn't matter, but that I was marrying my best friend and that was the most important thing." He reached out with one hand and gently caressed her face. "And I did. You know that, right? I married my best friend and, despite the problems we've had and the struggles we've faced, there's nowhere - *nowhere* - else I'd rather be."
This was just so moving, how Clark's touch just says so much to Lois about how he feels and what he is thinking.

This was absolutely beautiful, Carol! Just beautiful. Now hurry back with part 22...and 23. peep Yup, I'm not above begging.



I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.