"Now, what's going on? Shouldn’t you two be in class?"
I like how Perry slips into the surrogate parent role so easily. The Perry you've written is very different than the one we're used to. He doesn't hide behind a rough exterior, but instead easily adopts the young bucks and takes them under his wing (to mix a metaphor).

Perry let out a long, low whistle. "Are you okay, Lois?"

She nodded. "Physically I am, but I'm mad as hell. It's not the first time he's done it and I'm sure it won't be the last, but he picked me for a reason."
I appreciate it when people ask that, but I wish someone would ask the same of Clark. When you assault one party, you've hurt them both. So is Clark doing all right?

It is interesting to ponder how many women that Paul is involved with. Usually they start to come out of the woodwork when allegations are made public.

I have to giggle at the thought of Lois asking Linda, "So I was wondering if you were sleeping with Paul. He asked me, too."

"Garlic chicken pasta sound good?"
It sounds fantastic! Where did Clark learn to cook like that if Martha didn't teach him. You especially had my mouth watering when he added the parmesan.

"I don't think a day's gone by that I haven't thought about it at least once."

"Wow." She thought for a minute. "Where were you going to take me?"
It's nice that she recognizes the value of what he brought to her last night and knows what it cost him.

It's refreshing to see them talk about the stuff of life, not just school, work, finances, parenting and business, but also dating, thank yous and sex.

"I know, but someday, she's probably going to come to you for advice. Either because things aren't going as they'd hoped in that area or because it's finally about to happen or whatever."
He's warning her that she can't be a good mother and keep her secrets forever. That's a good thing for all of us parents to remember.

When Jimmy hung up that mistletoe... I was sure the next words out of your mouth would be something like 'not while you're under my roof, young lady'." Her tone deepened to mimic his.
Shouldn't that be, "young man"?

One last note. It was fun to watch Lois dance around telling Clark that she would have to be blind not to notice what a fantastic body he has developed.
