Most of it was things Lois had heard before…DNA matches, retinal scans, hundreds of artifacts from the other world including one set of home movies showing the unfamiliar skyline of Gotham City found in the baggage compartment.

There wasn't anything in the skyline that screamed alien, no bat signal in the sky, no overdrawn gothic architecture. It could have been any city in the eastern United States, although according to the experts it wasn't.
I just love this! Footage of Gotham City!!! (With no bat signal in the sky and no overdrawn gothic architecture!!! clap )

“They are being moved to more comfortable accommodations,” Agent White said. “Unfortunately they are now being quarantined.”

“I've already been in contact with both my sister and a lot of other people,” Lois said. “If they have something, I've already spread it all over the country.”

“What if the disease is on our side?” Dr. Ledderman said quietly. “Something they don't have a defense against?”

Lois settled back into her seat. “You've already had a lot of people exposed to them.”

Agent White shook his head. “When we couldn't find any weapons on the plane, we assumed the people on the plane WERE the weapon. We've had most of them under quarantine conditions already.”

“I didn't exactly have to wear a decontamination suit to visit my sister.”

“We'd about decided that they were clean during your visit. We're tightening restrictions again.”
This is a real concern. Bacteria and viruses transferred from one parallel universe to another could be nasty indeed.

But, Shayne, as you had Clark bring aid to a monastery, I couldn't help thinking that that is a place for men only. That was Clark's first priority, to bring help to a place where there were only men. I was thinking to myself, who would help the women of Myanmar? How long would it have taken for the women in Myanmar to get help even if Superman had existed in this world?

“Why did you take the wing off?” Lois asked.

“We didn't.” Agent White pressed a button and the scene shifted.

“Something cut the wing in half. The cut is more precise than anything we can replicate; the nearest we can guess is that it was done with a laser. We've had teams looking for the rest of the wing, but we haven't had any luck.”

Lois took a deep breath and said, “Maybe it's on the other side.”
Wow. Oh, wow.

You have to wonder - would even Clark have survived if he had been at that laser edge between two universes? I don't think he would. So if Clark is going to bring the passengers back, he will have to stay completely away from that interface. It is really scary to think about.

By the way, is there an ulterior reason, story-wise, for why the passengers from flight 1013 are being kept so totally isolated? Because when the world they have been brought to learns about Superman, the visitors from the other universe can remain completely ignorant of him? And then Clark can bring them all back to their own universe, and they won't have a clue that Clark is Superman?

Although he didn't know her, he recognized the type. Young, just getting her foot in the door, and assigned to every dog show and minor local piece they could find. They wouldn't have assigned an experienced reporter to an impromptu gathering of Superman groupies.

Seeing someone pointing up at him, he deliberately slowed his descent until the reporter got the idea and looked up.
I just love how Clark is helping that reporter to get her much-needed break! No doubt he feels sympathy for her because she reminds him of Lois Lane. Or maybe he loves Lois Lane because he feels such instinctive sympathy for people like her!

“Why are you here?” she asked.

“An accident,” he said. “I flew a plane load of people through a rift from my world to this one. Now that I'm here, I'm going to do everything I can to help.”
I love her question and his answer.

“Are you talking about flight 1013 that appeared in Washington D.C.?”

“The United States government is holding almost two hundred people who have committed no crime other than being refugees from another country,” he said.
Yes!!! Now the world will know!!! clap

“There's got to be more to the story,” she said.

“I've given a full interview to Lois Lane,” Clark said.

“The C.N.N. reporter?”

He smirked a little. “It seemed appropriate.”
Yes!!! Take that, Pilar!

“How will they get in contact with you? She asked.

“I'll be around.”
I loved that little tribute to Superman Returns, too!

Upper management wanted to speak with her.

Perhaps firing Lois hadn't been as easy a decision as it had seemed at the time.

On one screen she could see a Fox media expert pointing to the video clip of flight 1013 landing and pointing at the shadow hanging from beneath the plane. How they'd gotten permission to even use the footage she didn't know, but that wasn't her main concern at the moment.

Her main concern was keeping her job.
Hah! Good luck, Pilar! You are going to need it.

Fantastic, Shayne! Please keep the story coming!
