Sheila - I'm glad you're enjoying it! More on the A v. B plot in a second.

Ann - Of course, Lois wants to kiss Clark!! Who wouldn't?! Erm... well, you know what I mean. This Lois continues to amaze me. Not necessarily in that 'oh wow - MacGuyver couldn't have gotten out of that mess, but Lois Lane... not a problem and she didn't even have to call Superman to do it' way, but she's 'telling' me more about her past as I work on the rest of the story. She is skittish and her heart is more fragile than even I'd imagined.

Michael - You're so good! She is afraid it won't work out. Look at her parents and this is an even more difficult situation in so many ways. Yeah - those walks could be doozies wink but not for a bit yet.

Beth - Irritating is right. And it's Martha - she's always right.

Elisabeth - Well... this probably gets chalked up to the 90mph thing wink , but he read the letters the day before. He didn't say where he went when he went for a walk, but we'll find out in the next chapter [you're not too far off]. Lois is afraid for her heart and more than just because of what has happened to a friend or two - I don't remember off the top of my head how long it is until we start finding out more about it. And you're right about the 'for better or worse' stuff.

Anonpip - I'm glad you're enjoying it! I tried to put the Trivial Pursuit questions into the L/C world and since this is an Alt-U... President Presley seemed to fit. Actually, I was flipping through cards and that was one of the questions, though the correct answer didn't involve the title 'President'.

AnKS - If I can ever get focused on the two parts coming up that aren't done instead of getting sidetracked into parts I thought were done but characters are throwing me a loop on... 'Sure, I'll just skim though chapter 7 so I can make sure it leads in to ch. 8 well. Hmmm... what's that Lois? You want to have that conversation HERE?! And what happened? Really? And then he said... And you said...' And next thing you know, Chapter 7 is Chapter 7 and 8 and Chapter 8 is now Chapter 9 but what was planned for currently unwritten Chapter 10 is now either elsewhere or part of the still unwritten Ch. 13... *sigh* Anyway - if I can get those done, the posting schedule will probably change again wink .

Martha's letters will be a semi-recurring theme. They won't be mentioned in every segment or anything but they will in some throughout the entire story.

As for the no A plot thing... Well, maybe that's not strictly correct. This is a NaNo fic after all so it was a minimum of 50K words and the last time I put it all in one file it was 72K or so [and overwhelming so each chapter is it's own file again]. The majority of the story is B plot, but it's looking like 250 pages [and 27? 28? parts] at the moment, so it's not all going to be sitting around playing Scrabble with made up words or like on the beach in OP [though I may have to find a way to work in some of that dialog... hmmm...]. There is some A plot later, but in many ways it's only there to further the B plot rather than the other way around. At least that's the goal. In fact that's why I haven't posted the FFT that I had mostly done because someone [cough Alisha cough] pointed out that I gave one of the [minor] A plot points to much attention. So it's back to the drawing board [or Movie Maker] for that. Maybe. wink

I'm hoping to hear back about Martha's letters [sent them off to be BR'd - just to make sure they seem like Martha [or a Martha] 'talking' and haven't heard back yet], but will be posting them soon.

Thanks again!!!