So many sweet things in the section that I could comment on.

First, I love that Clark is letting her know right off the bat that he plans this until death do them part. He only plans to have one wedding night so he wants to do this properly.

Second, it's sweet that he's caught off guard by the realization that he's sexually attracted to his wife. He knew from his letters and from his memory that he was in love with Lois, but it was different when they were together. Particularly, it was different knowing that she was his wife and she was naked in the next room. Intellectually he was fine with a platonic relationship (even though he not so secretly feels loving toward her), but in reality it feels far different.

On that note, I was expecting Clark to get and take a cold shower. I was so surprised to hear that he had gone to a quiet place to read his letter from Mom. I'm glad he told Lois such a personal and emotional secret. Hopefully Lois will be able to read them someday alongside her husband.

I found the discussion of the last name to be quite interesting. This whole marriage thing is still catching Lois off guard. In the series both she and Clark told each other that in their hearts they were already married. (I remember when James and I had a conversation like that when we were engaged. However, in reality I found that marriage was a much more vibrant shade of love and commitment.) Back on topic, this Lois is married to Clark but hasn't yet formed that commitment to be married to him in her heart.

Perhaps that's why she is so gunshy of physical intimacy. She is afraid her heart will be hurt like that of her friends. She has not yet come to the realization that it isn't the same to have sex inside the confines of "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, forsaking all others, to love and to cherish for as long as we both shall live."

There was a little detail that I liked so very much. I enjoyed that Clark was able to get Lois to do the right thing during the Scrabble game without any arguments. It shows that he does speak her language in many ways.

Finally, I'm looking forward to their date.

You had said that this was a longer segment, but somehow it didn't feel long at all. It moved so easily from one segment to the next. In fact, it felt as if it left off just as the true fun was beginning.
