Whew. Glad that the would-be attack was just a ruse to stay an anonymous source. Although, it does delay my Lois-Clark reunion.

I'm glad that Lois is getting some more dirt on the situation and I can't wait to see what she finds out. I get the impression that the wheels in her brain are turning as she starts to wonder a little bit more about Clark. I can't wait for the "Wait... your name really *is* Clark Kent?!"

And Clark- interesting that Cyrus has seen, spoken to, touched, and flown with an angel. Clark is getting the hang of covert supes-stuff and is warming up to the idea of a costume. I like it.

As for the politics of it all, I think that what really sticks out to me is once again the contrast between how differently we saw the world pre 9/11. I often wonder what kind of superhero would be created by minds today. Definitely grittier and less optimistic - but would a hero like that be able to sustain 70+ years? Interesting.

Anyway, enjoyed the update, and can't wait until we get some more!


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles