I can just see the scene at Mavis's front door:

As Mavis answers the door, she is nearly blown away to see Cyrus, whom she hasn't heard from since about the time of Katrina, alive and apparently well. He tells her he hitched a ride with the guy next to him, who is an angel. The "angel" wishes him well, and begins to rise into the air, as Mavis gasps and sags against the doorframe.

Just in time, Cyrus remembers to ask the angel's name. The angel gives a what-the-heck shrug, and says, "Clark. Clark Kent." As he flies quickly out of sight, Cyrus's eyes suddenly get large and round as the light dawns...

Shayne, the power of this story is that it moves well-known fictional characters into the real world, to mingle with real ones. The case-lot of worm cans which this opens (as indicated by the various postings above) is unavoidable, but welcome, as real-world issues are addressed.

Keep it coming!
