I agree with Ann's view on the realities behind the Iraq war, but I'm not worried about Clark, nor Shayne's portrayal of his thoughts. Clark has many powers, but omniscience is not one of them: one of the things I like about the LnC version of Clark is that he's human, not a god.

He's been getting what he can from the media while being on the run from the government, and if you just watched TV or hurriedly browsed a few newspapers, you might think Saddam was involved with 9/11 too. Being new to this world and on the run, I think we can cut him a little slack. Being Clark, I'm sure he would think through all the ethical issues before getting involved, and I think that's what Shayne is having him do here.

Presumably, in his own world, Clark would be much better informed on the events leading up to 9/11 and the Iraq war. And I hope he (and the Daily Planet) would do a better job than our media have in conveying accurate information to the public. frown

I've often thought that it would be very hard for Superman to operate in the real world: there would be clamoring from all sides for him to get involved in political and military things he probably shouldn't. Politicians would be trying to capitalize on him, and might badmouth him if he didn't do what they wanted. Imagine how it could be spun: "Superman refuses to support U.S. troops!" Dangerous territory.