Chilling end to another great part. It will be interesting to witness the next conversation between Clark and Lois now that Clark has a better idea what he's up against. He probably knows a great deal more about Superman and Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as well as the state of this world he's in. Depressed and anxious to leave, I'd bet.

Jenn said:
I'm with Ann, I can't imagine what would convince Lois of an alternate reality besides the flying...
I'm not so sure that even the flying would convince Lois now that she thinks an attack is coming. She's already made up her mind (almost) that the whole plane group is part of a cult. What's to stop her from thinking that anything she sees or feels while with Clark isn't the result of some kind of drug? I'm not sure what would convince Lois, short of time to really get to know Clark and/or time seeing him perform rescues in the suit.

Part 13 soon, please.