It's frustrating how Lois puts together all that evidence that the plane was full of "impostors", or identical twins, full of people already existing in the United States, and yet the only reason she can come up with for anyone to pull off something so mindbogglingly complicated and sophisticated and yet so unbelievably sloppy at the same time - why put all those impostors in the same plane and make sure that they would be caught??? - well, the only reason she can think of is the following:

The scope of it all was staggering. Even discounting the plane, which must have been stolen from somewhere, this would have cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. The resources required for this were out of the range of any known terrorist group.

That suggested that it was another country that was sponsoring the whole thing. Only another nation would have the sheer resources to pull something like this off, and if they wanted to put the military in disarray, that could mean only one thing.

An attack was coming.
Aaaahh gaaah. Okay. I admit it, if somebody tried to convince me that a plane from another reality had been caught in a "reality storm" and somehow been "swept away" over to our world - well, I would have laughed in their face and slapped my knees until they hurt. Another reality, indeed! A reality storm!!!!!

I don't blame Lois for not even thinking of such an explanation. Which is why I think that Clark needs to show her that he can fly. He must show her that, or she just won't believe him. I know that if a guy who looked so much like Superman showed me that he could fly, and if he let me feel the space above him to make sure that there were no wires, and if he went elsewhere and demonstrated that his flying worked in all sort of environments, and if he could fly even if he changed clothes, and if he was willing to, hmmmm, strip naked in front of me so I could see that he didn't have some amazing flying gizmo hidden somewhere on his person - well, if he could still fly when he had done all that, I would have believed him. Hey, show me incontrovertible proof, and I will believe!

I hope Clark will fly in front of Lois, either deliberately or accidentally. Doing it accidentally, like in his sleep, would probably be even better proof.

So Clark has just learnt about 9/11, eh? Well, that ought to explain everybody's paranoia to him. Me, I hope he also watched a good deal of Lois's Superman DVDs. They ought to have told him that this Superman guy is almost a copy of himself, except that Superman has gone public with his powers, donned a colorful super suit and turned his Clark persona into his secret identity.

Looking forward to more, Shayne!
