Ditto. Interesting that 9/11 was her big break. Kind of like the... Ashley? chick on MSNBC. She was a 'nobody' news wise [an assistant of some kind?] who was in the right place at the right time [such that it was] and became a 'big time' correspondent. Sheesh - does anyone remember who I'm talking about? She went to Afghanistan too... had short blond hair and short reddish hair at one point...

Anyway - wonder what Clark thinks of the DVDs [did you mean to say CDs there?] and how close they are to his life [I'm guessing she has the TV show? Or does this universe have a LC: TNAOS?].

Poor Clark watching that footage frown .

Good for Lois doing some investigating. Can't wait to see what else she turns up and what the pills the one guy is taking are...