Wow, what a chapter!

“I heard one of them say he was ‘just like the others,’ whatever that means.” The officer frowned. “What did you say this story was about again?”
“I didn’t,” Lois said. “Did they have you bring anybody else in for questioning?”
“Two others. They took one look at one, checked his prints and sent him off right away. The other they took downtown.”
Hmmm... why the difference in handling those people? Are there some people who are not identical to their "imposters" on the plane?

Had they been trying to slip imposters into the military? That would explain why Homeland Security was so concerned. If someone was able to use plastic surgery well enough to fool everyone, to the point of changing fingerprints, they’d be able to slip into positions of power.
But imposters in such positions would make mistakes due to their missing knowledge of people and information. That wouldn´t work. And how does she explain the knowledge of Imposter-Lucy about very private details of their childhood?

The threat, and the implication was that someone already had been replacing soldiers, officers and even politicians. It must be expensive to do all of that, and so it was cheaper just to create confusion and distrust in the ranks.
Paranoia is rising...

She was going to have to get her locks changed, sooner rather than later. At this rate, she should be charging her intruders rent.
Nice idea! Would Homeland Security be willing to pay? If she tried it with Clark she even could be successful!

Around him were CD cases for her Superman collection. Although she’d never cared for the shows, her parents had insisted on gifting her with them, and after they were gone she’d continued the pattern.
You write `the shows´. Do you mean he has been watching `Lois and Clark´? Or did you mean the movies? Anyway, now he has enough information about Superman and also knows it´s futile to pretend to be a normal human being. Show her, Clark!

It took her a moment to realize what was on the screen that had him so transfixed.
It was an image that had been burned into the mind of every American, one that had been played over and over and over again until it had been seared into the psyche.
Images of planes and fire and death.
With seven words you have managed to send me back nearly seven years, and the images were there in the blink of an eye. I coudn´t get rid of them the whole day. (I read the chapter in the morning before work) It was the same for me, I came home, my telephone started ringing, and then my mother told me: "Turn the TV on!" I did... and then I was standing - not sitting - for two hours in front of it, and I was not able to move. And let me tell you: the images are seared not only into the mind of the Americans.

What is Clark feeling right now? I think I can imagine. And I hope he knows what he has to do now.

It also will be a disturbing experience for Lois. She sees a first reaction to these images, and I think it would need a great actor to fake this reaction. So she will hopefully realize that he really didn´t know anything about 9/11. There are not many people - except from North Korea and places like that - who don´t know about 9/11.

What a climax to this chapter - and what an evil cliffhanger! Come back right now and post the next chapter! grovel