WHOA! I am very interested to see what happens next!!!!!

Excellent so far!

Lois Lane. How often had she despised her parents for giving her that name, no matter how into Superman her parents had been? It hadn’t been worth the years of teasing, the snickers, and the double takes when people saw her name on applications.

It hadn’t helped that she’d been drawn to journalism. The name had made her have to work three times as hard as her colleagues just to be taken seriously. She could have changed it, or chosen a pen name, but by the time it had occurred to her she’d been too stubborn.

Her parents had saddled her with the name and she would live up to it.

She just had to hope that it wouldn’t kill her.
Hehe - I like and I am now made very curious!

He’d been losing bits and pieces of himself for as long as he knew her, sacrificing the things that were important to him for her sake. It was almost as though she’d been intentionally isolating him from everyone else in order to have him to herself.
I like how that was put. Poor Clark. mad

A moment later he blinked, his vision returning. He stared below him. Metropolis was gone.
What!? What on earth happened?

The world had changed, and he was going to find out what had happened to it. It wasn’t just the disappearance of Metropolis. It was everything. The attitudes of the air traffic controllers, the threats of blowing an American plane out of the sky. This was a scary new world.
Oh dear. Where and when is he?

I'm very curious to see what happens next! I do hope there's a part two already up.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.