“Well?” Her nervousness was obvious. Even in a darkened, empty newsroom, her personality filled the place. She was a wonder! When she was excited, it emanated from her until the entire universe danced in victory. When she was hot on a story, the universe backed out of her way to watch the marvel of a master at work. And now, the ntire world jittered in place, waiting for his response.
Ah, this is just such a wonderful description of Lois’ presence.

“I’m not sure,” he answered honestly. “Did you want to measure me?”
Can I, huh? Please, please...

Hey, I think this word was used in Santa’s Helper, too. Same author? If so, they sure did do a good job of different writing styles. And darn it all! I did a search on the archive and there are at least 8 different authors that have used that word....

Clark was such a hayseed, he would probably just show up in a pair of bib overalls with straw sticking out of his mouth, left to his own devices.
Hey, Lois, hmm... that might be pretty sexy seeing Clark dressed like that.

The Klingon costume was a joke.

Hmm.... I’m clueless, but the mention of the Klingon costume made me think of Ann (TOC). It also reminded me of Lara Moon, but the style seems very unlike hers. I also thought that it might be Mellie’s (and Ann seems to agree).

He tried to shrug it off. “All of the top banana costumes were taken.”
Lois dressed as a big banana! rotflol rotflol

“It’s a size 12! Do you really think I wear a size 12?”
Guys are clueless when it comes to things like dress size.

“I wear a 16-1/2 inch neck, so I figured yours would be a few inches smaller. I take it you wear an 11?”
More like a size 2, Clark.

His breath caught in his throat as he found her. She was wearing a black, satin dress with a black, satin mask. It was simple, yet elegant, making his heart stop in his chest.
Wow! Great imagery.

Nixon??? As in Richard Nixon? As in the President of the United States between 1968 and 1974? Surely Mellie wouldn't have Clark run into such a nineteen seventies character - Mellie, you were barely born in 1974, were you? Ah, but Lara was. So it is you then, Lara?
Mellie wasn’t even a thought in 1974, Ann. But it seems that I remember references to Nixon in the show.

One writer who hasn't been heard of for a long time, but who might just possibly have contributed a story here, is Nancy, Classicalla. Nancy likes Superman and all kinds of superheroes, and she is old enough to remember Nixon. Nancy, could it be you?
rotflol Porky and Petunia? (A bunch of piglets.) A piggy post? Richard Nixon? Ann, I think it could be you. Then again, Mellie has done some Beta work on that story...

I bet to Lara's happiness that everyone uses a bat reference (even her) just to throw us all off.
Wouldn’t that be fun?

Cute story!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~