Like Mellie said, we have Batman, Spiderman, and finally Lois as Catwoman - how can that not be written by Lara? But somehow it didn't feel quite, quite like Lara to me. I can't put my finger on it, but somehow it didn't. (Perhaps because when Lois contemplated Clark's assets, she didn't think of his arms at all?) Unfortunately, no other name comes to mind, either. (Unless it is - could it be - Mellie??)

This confused me, too:

Clark edged past Little Bo Peep and Nixon
Nixon??? As in Richard Nixon? As in the President of the United States between 1968 and 1974? Surely Mellie wouldn't have Clark run into such a nineteen seventies character - Mellie, you were barely born in 1974, were you? Ah, but Lara was. So it is you then, Lara?

As for the story, I loved seeing Lois and Clark try to decide on a costume for each other! You know, for a moment there, I thought Lois might pick up a Superman costume for Clark! goofy

This had me giggling insanely:

She sighed and crossed her arms. “Never mind,” she mumbled, turning on her heel to depart in humiliation.

There was nothing Clark could do but agree. He would just have to charm the socks out of her. That would solve everything.

“I had planned on going to bed early tonight,” he explained. He was toying with her now—he knew that, but couldn't seem to mind.
That was going to charm the socks out of her??? Ah, but it worked! He knows her so well!!! rotflol

Suddenly I had another insane thought. What do I know about the people who participate in this "guess the author" ficathon? It's not as if we have a list of names to choose from. One writer who hasn't been heard of for a long time, but who might just possibly have contributed a story here, is Nancy, Classicalla. Nancy likes Superman and all kinds of superheroes, and she is old enough to remember Nixon. Nancy, could it be you?
