I must chime in and welcome you also. This was a great prologue to your story. And the last line was both poignant and hilarious! I assume that the next few chapters will contain more information, but this one was a great teaser. It's like the first two minutes of an L&C episode before they run the opening credits and get into the meat of the story.

Just to clarify for Ann, at the time this episode ran, Lois did not know. Personally, I don't think she was quite ready for that knowledge at that time. I'm not sure she could have gotten past her own legitimate hurt feelings to see Clark's point of view on the subject.

Your descriptions are excellent. Your presentation of Clark's thoughts and feelings was so very intimate and revealing. And I felt the exposure metaphor so keenly! It was brilliant! Wish I'd written that.

So, when's the next (slightly longer) chapter going to be up?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing