I have so little time to write feedback, but - Lara, you're lucky that I'm not likely to find an image at Google of a buck naked Dean Cain wearing only Batman's utility belt! drool Because if I'd found a picture like that, I don't know if I could have resisted posting a link to it!!! clap sloppy

Loved how totally disoriented Clark was when he woke up, and how his out-of-control superhearing was driving him crazy. I have to wonder if his need to help people has something to do with this, his eardrum-shattering registration of their pitiful screams, before he learnt to control his superhearing.

I loved how Batman's suit was the only thing that really made sense to him in the Batcave, and how it made him conclude that the suit was his, and that he was...
"Some sort of bat-man, I guess."
I felt so sorry for Lois, too. Aaahh! She is going to keep Clark "alive" by writing his usual "touchy-feely" stuff herself and send it to Perry in Clark's name. Well, that's going to expand your range as a reporter, Lois!

But I so hope that Clark will relatively soon meet Lois! Surely the sight of her is going to ring a bell with him! Anyway... as soon as Lois hears of a flying Batman she is going to put two and two together and come up with an amnesiac Superman, isn't she? What will she do to jog his memory? How about yelling, "Help, Batman!!!"? Or even "Help, Superman!!!" I can't believe his superhearing will be able to shut that out.

Looking forward to more, Lara! You know I really, really like this Superman/Batman stuff... as long as Lois is part of the action and part of the romance, of course!

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