blush Thank you!

I'm glad that you guys liked that little thing about the utility belt (and how he's wearing nothing but) -- but hey, they did have him in a hole in the ground with nothing on, in the show, remember? wink

And I'm sure he looks really great with the belt on, but... um... we're in the PG folder. 'nuff said.

Ann! Thank you! I knew you'd get a kick out of this. hehe! I promise that Clark will meet Lois. Eventually. I won't say when, but he will. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like what happens when he does. (oh, btw... the comic book page really made me laugh SO much! ..but, the other... Ann... that's not the real Superman, you know? *lol*)

Sue! smile1 Thanks! I tried to write a believable Lois - I guess, from your comments, that I'm not too far off the mark. (yay!)

Part 3... um... I think it's in Denver. I plan on catching it on Thursday morning while I'm "stranded" at the airport. hehehe!

JD - *lol* I, um.. had to go look up what RAFO means... *giggles* Thanks for helping make me a smarter person. <g> I hope by the end of part 3 you won't want to strangle me with the list of unanswered questions... <whistles innocently>

Jojo - awww! thank you! blush The last line made me laugh out loud as well, you realize. That one and the bat fetish. hehe! I've had those in mind for a loooooooong time - I'm really glad I was finally able to put them in the story.

DJ - no such picture exists, trust me. I looked all ov... <whistles innocently> I mean... um... blush Oh, look! PG folder! ahum. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I'll get part 3 to you as soon as I catch it. I'm packing my butterfly net, just in case so I'm sure it won't escape. hehe!

Laura - aawww! thank you! sloppy btw, I've been known to apologize to telephone poles myself, so we're in good company, I think. <g>

Thanks to all of you for your comments - I'm so glad to know that I haven't scared you guys away with all that Batman madness. wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies