I have so little time to write feedback, but - Lara, you're lucky that I'm not likely to find an image at Google of a buck naked Dean Cain wearing only Batman's utility belt! [Drool]
What? You mean you don't have that picture, Ann? <takes a peek in her pics folder... <drools>

LOL!!! Kidding! Totally kidding blush *ahem*cough*choke* <clears throat> You all know me better than that anyway. laugh Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Hee hee.

Lara, you know how much I loved this part and how giggly it made me <g> It's a wonderfully fresh and new idea and I'm enjoying it.

So... where's part 3?

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.