James was supposed to be writing, but then he started snorting and laughing, and I knew he had strayed. (I think his asthma may not survive a reading.) Now I see what he was enjoying so much.

Now, being from New Zealand, I've never seen Mister Rogers. Now I'm dying to!
For all who haven't seen Mr. Roger's Neighborhood--here in the US that seems unthinkable--it is a long-standing educational children's program. IRL, Fred Rogers was a retired-minister--quite harmless, I assure you. He began each episode by walking up to his "house", waving as he walks in the door and changing from his outdoor shoes to his sneakers and from his suitcoat into a sweater. Over the 3 decades it was on the air, TV experts had recommended that he update his fashions and decorations, but Mr. Rogers was convinced that children preferred the expected. His show introduced children to many "neighbors" and showed "how such-and-so is built in a factory", then it took the kids on a trolley ride to the Neighborhood of Make Believe. It has a website at PBSKids.org since it is still on the air on Public Broadcasting. There's also 2 short snippets of broadcaster Katie Couric visiting Mr. Rogers at AOL's video site. Katie Couric\'s Memories It begins and ends with her visiting Mr. Rogers--he sings her his themesong.

Anyway, a very entertaining read.
